Welcome to the Philippine Animal Health Information System Website!

Summary Reports

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A pivot grid is a program tool that allows you to reorganize and summarize selected columns and rows of data in a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report.

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This module includes reports on Animal Health Monitoring, Routine Services and Vaccination submitted by reporting officers nationwide.

Animal Health Routine Services Animal Vaccination Rabies Cases


e-commerce transaction services for handling online orders, application hosting by application service providers (ASPs) and any processing capability that is obtainable on the Web.

E-Service constitutes the online services available on the Internet, whereby a valid transaction of buying and selling (procurement) is possible, as opposed to the traditional websites, whereby only descriptive information are available, and no online transaction is made possible.

Shipping Permit Online Application Online Accreditation and Licensing

Desktop Applications

PhilAHIS Surveillance and Vaccination Monitoring System

Provides information on animal disease situation in field (barangay level) which includes health monitoring, routine/extension services and animal vaccination, and vaccine distribution and others. GIS ready data (georeferenced) using geographic codes (NSCB).

AMMIS (Animal Movement Management Information System)

Online and desktop application for the issuance of local permit on animal and animal products(for pilot testing in Regions VI, VII and XI) Monitoring of local movement of animal and animal products.

ALS (Accreditation and Licensing System

Online and desktop application for the Animal Facilities registration and licensing(for pilot testing).

LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Information System)

Desktop application for the laboratory test done for the animals in the regional laboratory (pilot testing on going at the RADDL IV-A).


Web based application for the uploading and downloading of important documents by the central office staff and field counterparts (Manual, brochures research, presentations and others).

  • Reliable and Secure Platform
  • Everything is perfectly orgainized for future
  • Attach large file easily
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Contact Us

Office Location

GIS Building
Bureau of Animal Industry, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Phone: +632 9278069


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Online Reporting

Rabies Vaccination Status

Data entry for the quick submission of vaccination summary report and the extent of vaccination coverage down to barangay level.

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Vaccine Inventory

Shows the inventory of vaccine stock vs distribution status.

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Rabies Cases

Data entry for rabies cases from the laboratory confirmed data.

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Animal Disease Incident Report

Brief report of the animal health problems encountered by a concern individual for quick notification to BAI Animal Health Officer.

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Disease Investigation Report

Detailed Outbreak investigation report from Veterinary Field Officer.

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Disease Outbreak

List of Outbreak Report

Confirmed Outbreak Report List.

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See List

Negative Monitoring

Online negative monitoring of diseases for maintenance and application for disease freedom.

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Registered Dog and Cat

List of Registered Dog and Cat in the system.

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See List

Animal Health Monitoring

List of Animal Health monitored in the field.

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See List

Routine Services

List of Routine/Extension Services monitored in the field and submitted to the system.

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List of vaccination services conducted in the field and submitted to the system.

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Database User

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List of Personnel who encodes and report to PhilAHIS.

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Cattle | Buffalo | Goat

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Poultry Farm Registration

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Add Farm/Farmer

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Farm List / Evaluation

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Analytical Mapping Tool

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Surveillance (Laboratory)

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